update-alternatives --config java

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Mon Aug 27 16:09:44 UTC 2007

Karl Auer wrote:

> On Mon, 2007-08-27 at 04:41 +0100, Wulfy wrote:
>> alternatives system only works for those in the "standard" place, which
>> may have changed since the 1.4 package was built.
> 1.4 is in /usr/lib/j2se/1.4/bin/java - as installed via Synaptic. I
> suppose I could move it and jigger around with the update-alyternatives
> control files, might be fun :-)

You might just try symlinking /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4-sun
to /usr/lib/j2se/1.4.  I have no idea how well that might work :-)  But
Wulfy is right that this naming scheme never included the Blackdown java.
>> Any package will be somewhat behind the bleeding edge that you could
>> have from installing from Sun.  It's just the way things work, I think.
> Hm, we are LONG way behind the "bleeding edge".

No, we're not.  Gutsy has 6-02-1ubuntu1, and the current testing release is
the only place you can ever expect to find up-to-date packages unless there
are security issues - in which case the latest versions will generally be
placed on ubuntu-security.

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