Identical Package-list

Sundar Nagarajan sundar.personal at
Sun Aug 26 10:19:45 UTC 2007

das দাশ wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-08-24 at 18:43 -0700, Sundar Nagarajan wrote:
>> You should have an identical package list (or close enough).
> Your method is really very nice. We were trying to create an uniform and
> chosen environment for some machines, mainly keeping in mind young
> students. It was exactly the thing that I was searching for. And because
> the work is done through the text file ubuntu-files, we can edit and
> fine-tune it too. 
> Only one thing. Many people like you suggest so many nice system things
> here on the list. Do you people apply your Debian experience and skill
> here in Ubuntu? What is a good documentation on Ubuntu system? Till now
> I could not get any comprehensive one. The ubuntu-guide thing is good,
> but mainly the stress is on GUI and packages. Should I better read
> Debian Documentation?  

I have been using Linux for quite a while (since 1993), and I used to 
use Mandriva (formerly Mandrake) and before that Red Hat, Slackware. I 
switched to Ubuntu about 1.5 yrs ago, and I have never looked back. One 
of the things I like about Ubuntu is that it is Debian inside and it 
remains true to the Debian "way". I love the Debian philosophy, policy 
and the Ubuntu community.

Your question is very relevant, and I believe it is very useful to be 
familiar with the standard policies and principles underlying the design 
of Debian. When I switched to Ubuntu (Debian), I used the following URLs 
to familiarize myself with the Debian Way:





I also bought this book, which I have found invaluable:


Maybe these will be useful to you (and others on this list) also.

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