Another one unable to get Ruby Fast Debugger on Ubuntu

Avi Schwartz ubuntu-users874 at
Fri Aug 24 04:28:32 UTC 2007

Yesterday someone posted that he was unable to get the Ruby Fast 
Debugger to work with NB 6.0M10 on Ubuntu.  Sorry I didn't save the 
message so I had to start a new thread.  I am having the same exact 
problem.  I was unable to install the debugger from NB because of 
permission problems on the Gems directory so I followed the instructions 
in the Wiki and installed the debugger from the command line as root.  I 
have the native ruby set up rather then jruby but, like the previous 
poster, I am unable to select the fast debugger since this option is 
grayed out and the only one available is the classic version.  I assume 
the same problem must be common to everyone trying to use the fast 
debugger under Linux because of the permission issue.  Has no one 
figured out how to get it working, or is everyone using NB on Windows only?



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