
Scott (angrykeyboarder) geekboy at angrykeyboarder.com
Wed Aug 22 20:24:24 UTC 2007

Bart Silverstrim spake thusly:
> Hello all,
> I'm looking at trying a beefier setup for configuring a VMWare-server 
> ubuntu system.  I am looking at using more than 4 gig of memory, which 
> I'm assuming would mean the 64 bit version of Ubuntu.

I've not heard of any memory restriction with regard to 32-bit Ubuntu.
There's nothing preventing you from running it with 8GB of memory,
however you do get better performance with a 64-bit OS that has 4GB or more.

> I'm familiar with configuring VMWare installs on Ubuntu from the repos, 
> so that's the method I was going to use to install it this time.
> I've never used the 64 bit version of Ubuntu, so what problems would I 
> have to look out for? 

The usual...

The Adobe flash and Sun Java browser plugins are only 32-bit. There are
workarounds for installing 32-bit Firefox so that you can use them,

There are some apps that are only packaged in 32-bit versions. So if you
were looking for something out of the ordinary (I'm speaking of packages
that aren't in the Ubuntu archives) you'd have to compile from source.

> Will VMWare work on the 64 bit version and use 
> more than 4 gig of memory, or is VMWare on 64 bit ubuntu treated like a 
> 32 bit application and will be limited in memory use?

Well there is a 64-bit Version of VMWare Server in the Canonical
Commercial archive (in fact it's the only 64-bit app in said
archive)[1]. I don't see why it won't use all of the memory you assign
to it.


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