a program similar to netsend?

Dave M DaveM at Mich.Com
Tue Aug 21 10:53:51 UTC 2007

At 09:18 AM 8/17/2007 , [x] ulf wrote:
>Package: linpopup
>Description: X Window System port of Winpopup, running over Samba
>  This allows a linux system to communicate with a windows computer that
>  runs Winpopup, sending or receiving message.  It also provides an
>  alternative way to communicate between Linux computers that run Samba.
>  Note that LinPopUp is not only a port, as it includes several enhanced
>  features.
>Another portable option would be xipmsg:
>Package: xipmsg
>Description: A pop up style message communication software
>  IP Messenger is a pop up style message communication software
>  for multi platforms. It is based on TCP/IP(UDP).
>  Xipmsg is the X11 version of IP Messenger. It can communicate
>  with IP Messengers for Windows/MacOS.

Can either of these be used to communicate between users on a single linux 
box? For example, when I have a script running as root and I want it to 
send a pop-up notice to a user?

Dave M
Davem (at) Mich (dot) Com
Ann Arbor, Mich. USA

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