LDAP, ActiveDirectory and the death of Linux at corporate

Ulf Rompe Ulf.Rompe at icem.com
Fri Aug 17 10:14:02 UTC 2007

Am Mittwoch, den 15.08.2007, 09:59 -0500 schrieb Brian Fahrlander:
> Now, adding addressbooks and things like that are going to require
> fiddling, but as it is, we're going nowhere. 

The fiddling starts with the decision of the desired frontend software.
Evolution, Thunderbird, Outlook - they all want different schemata.
There seems to be a kind of common sense, but contact forms showing lots
of greyed out fields don't have advertising appeal.

I for myself settled on evolutionperson.schema, but I wouldn't expect
that to be extremely useful with applications other than Evolution.

There is a nice analysis of Outlook's and Thunderbird's LDAP features:


[x] ulf 

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