Cant play dvd's

Guillermo Garron guillermo.fedora at
Thu Aug 16 03:08:24 UTC 2007

On 8/15/07, cj <debiani386 at> wrote:
> thats just it, i cant play them. all my dvd regions are correctly set (i
> live in the US, so my region is 1)
> However, when i go to play the dvd (which i use vlc player for that), it
> gives me the following:
> libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable.
> libdvdnav: DVD Title: SIMPSONS_S2_D1
> libdvdnav: DVD Serial Number: 2C835F17
> libdvdnav: DVD Title (Alternative): SIMPSONS_S2_D1
> libdvdnav: Unable to find map file '/home/debian/.dvdnav/'
> libdvdnav: DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00fe0000. Regions: 1
> libdvdnav: Suspected RCE Region Protection!!!
> libdvdnav: Suspected RCE Region Protection!!!
> [00000280] main playlist: nothing to play
> what do i do?
I made this with Debian Etch, and worked great!


Guillermo Garron
"Linux IS user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are."
(Using FC6, CentOS4.4 and Ubuntu 6.06)

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