dual boot system

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 15 19:49:27 UTC 2007

On 08/15/2007 12:15 PM, Casey Stamper wrote:

> I have, at certain times, run no less than six different distros on one 
> hdd. It's easier to install XP first and then go from there but it's by 
> no means hard to install one of the linux distros first and install XP 
> later. You just have to be aware of your partitions and how each distro 
> is utilizing them. Also, each distro has different capabilities as far 
> as detecting other operatings systems. In my case, IIRC, I had to edit 
> the /boot/grub/menu.lst for each distro that I installed so that the 
> previous distro installations would be included in the grub menu at 
> boot. You have to know what you're doing to a certain extent and be 
> pretty familiar w/partitioning tools but it's by no means hard and it 
> can even be fun.

Or, the other way around; on an XP machine you can install Ubuntu via wubi:


Disclaimer: I've not tried it, but have read reports/msgs in other
newsgroups that it works great.

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