Linux-friendly UPS

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Wed Aug 15 15:31:01 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 15 August 2007, Brian Astill wrote:
> Ditto.  APC seem to be the best for Linux boxes.  I reckon UPS's
> are like insurance.  Good to know you have it even if you don't
> need it yet.

But check for compatibility first....    Some APC's are fully supported 
because they have the firmware to provide information to apcupsd and others 

I have two cheap APC units here that are supported  (Back-UPS ES 725  as 
reported by APCACCESS)   and  one large one that isn't.   It just can't 
report the information to linux in the right format.   It's about 8 years old 
so by now maybe all of their units do support the proper format.

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