Fernando's massive sig(now off-topic but in-thread)

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Tue Aug 14 16:21:28 UTC 2007

(``-_-´´) -- Fernando wrote:
> On 8/14/07, Bart Silverstrim <bsilver at chrononomicon.com> wrote:
>> (``-_-´´) -- Fernando wrote:
>>> Matt, tell me, what am I doing that is so irritating? A simple
>>> signature?
>> While I'm not Matt, I am a bit of an email retentive...
>> Here's some points to consider...
>> A) quoting.  I don't need to see a person's #$%@ sig three or four times
>> because the quoter is too lazy to trim it down.
> Whenever possible I trim my emails!

Later on I had put in that I wasn't specifically targeting you.  You 
just happened to ask a question that was on the fringe of a topic that 
many people here end up cringing at...email etiquette.  There are no 
standards, people fly willy nilly and free with their own styles, and 
all fail to realize how important it is for people who use email to 
*COMMUNICATE* to do so clearly and in a manner that makes the message 
clear, not convoluted or annoying to the end recipient.

We hear complaints about meetings that are powerpoint snooze fests...why 
not learn how to present information in a way that DOESN'T suck?

Our biggest time-waster and work inhibitor tends to be email.  Why make 
it worse than it needs to be by annoying the recipient? What would it be 
like if I called you up, told you, "I think that would be a great 
idea!", then proceeded to play an audio recording back to you of an 
entire previous meeting, then gave my name and contact information 
followed by a disclaimer that the call was just for you and reflected 
only my views and not my employer's and I'm not responsible if you get a 
rash on your ear from my phone call before hanging up?  People don't 
stop to reflect on email as a medium for communication anymore.  It has 
devolved into a substitute for instant 
messaging/pseudo-PIM/scheduler/to-do list/file archive/file storage 
system.  Not everyone uses the same combination of purposes, so then 
people succeed wildly at contributing to other people's stress levels.

I was just venting a bit, and you happened to ask the catalyst question. 
  That's why I put into the message that it wasn't you in particular I 
was referring to...just a general WTF?!? to the world.


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