can't reach internet

Marcelino Luna marce34 at
Mon Aug 13 09:24:30 UTC 2007

Mirco Bertossi escribió:
> HI folks,
> I have a problem with a new aspire 5671 laptop. I installed festy, and
> more or less everything goes on, but the network cards. Both them
> seems to work, but when I start firefox or synaptic they simply can't
> go out. Well not exactly: for example I can load and
> related, so I can read my post but I can't write.
> I tried nslookup: works
> ping to whatever you want: works
> telnet 80: works
> My net is composed by a router, a netgear wg602 a.p. that give me the
> wireless connection. I have another pc that works perfectly though the
> same router, so I don't thing could be a router problem. What can I
> do?

I had the same problem. Try adding the following to /etc/sysctl.conf and 

net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 131072
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 174760

And here goes the explanation:   though 
it seems the solution
given in this URL doesn't work in Ubuntu.


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