Write to floppy?
norman at littletank.org
Thu Aug 9 07:52:38 UTC 2007
On Wed, 2007-08-08 at 19:12 -0400, Mike wrote:
> cj wrote:
> > norman, if he has the tab set to allow reading and writing, you still
> > have ubuntu to deal with as it, for some reason, allows only the root
> > user to write to teh floppy
> > --cj
> >
> This is odd. I read and write to floppy discs without any
> problems at all in Feisty (as a normal user not as root). I
> save files to floppies directly from OpenOffice (file -> save
> as and select floppy drive as my location). I also copy files
> from my home directory to floppies quite often without root
> permission. To do this I go to "Places" -> "Computer" ->
> "Floppy Drive", then copy over the files that need to be
> copied to the floppy. When I'm done I right click on "Floppy
> Drive" and choose "Unmount Volume" and it writes the data to
> the floppy without root permission. Am I just lucky or Isn't
> this the way it's supposed to work?
In my humble opinion you are quite correct. I have used floppies with
Ubuntu from the time Ubuntu started and never, repeat never have I
needed to be root. In the early days, if I remember correctly there was
a heading under accessories which you selected to mount the floppy and
off you went. Later this was omitted so I created a launcher and
regularly used that. The important thing is to unmount correctly and to
wait to allow the writing to take place.
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