Progaramming: how to add a gui front end to a CL command?

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Tue Aug 7 14:48:00 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 07 August 2007, Jan Torben Heuer wrote:
> Bruce Marshall wrote:
> Hi,
> > Once you have done that, you will know all the in's and out's of the Find
> > command and you will not need a gui......
> How can you blame him for that, although you are using a graphical mail
> frontend?
> Jan

Get real...    I use what's there, including the CLI.   And there is quite a 
difference between a fully capable email client and a gui frontend for the DF 

I'm not blaming him for anything, just stating the fact that it would be a lot 
of work to write a front end to almost any command in the light of his 
requirements, and once he has done it...  he probably wouldn't need it.

But if he has a LOT of time on his hands.....    go for it.

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