A little help please!

Brad Johnson brad at bkjohnson.com
Sun Apr 29 13:23:10 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 06:42 -0400, Shawn McCuan wrote:
> It's quite easy to solve the automatix issues - if they even exist - you
> simply uninstall everything automatix installed, then remove automatix,
> then upgrade....(then if you'd like, re-install automatix...)
> Quite simple actually....

The only thing you need to know about Automatix is that the Ubuntu
Developers themselves recommend that you DO NOT use it. Therefore,
unless you believe you know more about Ubuntu than the developers
themselves you should probably stay away from it.

There is no substitute for learning. You should question ANY advise that
includes the installation of a "quick-fix application" that is not
included in the official software repositories or enabling additional
repositories not supported by the Ubuntu Community (3rd-party


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