Back to Win XP for camera?

squareyes squareyes at
Sat Apr 28 14:29:18 UTC 2007

norman wrote:
> I follow that exactly and, because I want to play the result on the
> computer, always select mpeg2. Under Advanced Options I have 3 items one
> of which is mplex -v 0. I also checked and confirmed that mjpegtools is
> present (suggested by another helper). I know there is sound there
> because I can save and play the sound by itself. I am totally puzzled as
> to what is going wrong.
> Norman
Hi Norman,
the best I can do is outline what is showing on Kino on my machine. 
Opening an AVI from camera.
Joined all scenes (if necessary),
Export -
_AUDIO tag_
 left "File" field empty,  - "Sampling rate"=  "Unchanged"  -  "Format" 
= WAV Internal

_MPEG tag_
To Save as "test2" (mpeg2) in my home folder I have in the
"File" field               /home/squareyes/test2  ( no extension)
File Format             3-Generic MPEG 2
Deinterlace             none
Video Pipe              mpeg2enc -v 0
Audio Encoding     mp2enc -v 0
Multiplexer            mplex -v 0

Clean up  ticked
Output DVD Author  unticked

Aspect Ratio                4:3   (Am still using a CRT monitor)
Run Script  on XML     empty

Click on "Export" at bottom and I get an mpeg with sound that plays fine 
with mplayer.
Sorry I can't be of more help.
Take Care

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