Ubuntu 7.04 on core2duo

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at yandex.ru
Sat Apr 28 10:17:39 UTC 2007

िऩऩाद wrote:
> Hi
> Has any one tried the Ubuntu 7.04 on a core2duo pc with Intel DG965RY mobo
> I have a E6300 1g RAM core2duo with
> the DG965RY mothrboard.
> If so which is the url for the torrent and which torrent  to download 
> (x86,AMD etc)
> Thanks
> Ninad

Hi, my computer is based on the C2D, Feisty has no probs with it at all. 
About your specific mobo, I don't know.

As for the image, for max performance you'll want the AMD64 one. *BUT* 
if you want multimedia support and several other 'fun' things then you 
would do much better to get the i386 image. It's not really any slower 
(not that I can see), but installing multimedia is a snap.

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