How well Ubuntu (Feisty) works on a MacBook Pro

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at
Sat Apr 21 21:02:54 UTC 2007

Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Gabriel Dragffy wrote:
>> Oh, thanks for that.
>> I don't mind doing some work, it just seems to be making it do something 
>> it doesn't want to do.
> Come on... :)  It's not what the computer wants to do.  It's what you
> want it to do.  That's the whole point of free software.
> Matt Flaschen

In that case: I want it to work out of the box.
Somehow I think I'll wait a long time for that, and it may never happen. 
I did hear that GRUB is efi compatible these days, which is one less 
headache. I just don't fancy rolling my sleeves up and getting in to a 
week long grizzly battle forcing ubuntu to work on my macbook. I don't 
expect *everything* to work, most of it would be nice :)

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