feisty: k3b says audio CD capacity is 79 min. (and not 80 min.)

H.S. hs.samix at gmail.com
Fri Apr 20 17:40:22 UTC 2007


For some reason, k3b in Feisty says that only a maximum of 79 minutes of
audio data can be burned to a CD. I have a home recording of 79:56. I
can burn it to a CD on my other Debian machines (both running Testing
and beta k3b -- older version than is available in Feisty) without any
problems. They say that a maximum of 80 minutes can be put on a CD.

What is making k3b in Feisty think that only 79 minutes of audio data is
allowed on to a CD? This is on a Dell Inspiron 5160 which has a DVD/CD
writer HL-DT-ST RW/DVD GCC-4243N.


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