gcc version used to build feisty kernel modules

Alain Muls alain.muls at telenet.be
Fri Apr 20 11:16:54 UTC 2007


I am tempting to switch from Dapper to Feisty. Next to a QT problem for 
development, I also have a problem with the Cisco vpnclient. Under Dapper I 
compiled it using

export GCC=gcc-3.4; sudo ./vpn_install

and everything went fine.

I used version 3.4 because this one was used for compiling the kernel modules 
under Dapper. Now what is the version used for compiling the modules under 

Alain Muls                                alain.muls at telenet.be
RMA-CISS-ASGE                                     +32.2.7426340
Renaissance Avenue 30                         Srt +32.2.7426343
B1000 Brussels (Belgium)

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