Problems playing Flash Video .flv files on Edgy Eft

Rich Lott rl5 at
Tue Apr 17 19:16:39 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 17 April 2007 19:51:48 Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 19:24 +0100, Rich Lott wrote:
> > **BUT**, flash was already installed and working (eg. in Swiftfox).
> >
> > mplayer and others still say the same thing:
> >
> > [flv @ 0x874c3c8]Unsupported video codec (4)
> Sorry, I misunderstood you. Can you play the video in Firefox? Did you
> try the following?
The video file I have played fine direct from utube. I downloaded the flv file 
using a bookmarklet. This file plays on my friend's debian/etch box but not 
on my ubuntu Edgy Eft one. Firefox will not play the flv directly, of course.


Thanks, I have seen this post, but it says "Btw, I can play .flv with default 
mplayer" and "mplayer plays *.flv files fine." -- not my experience!


Reading further down this thread, I read: "My fault, libavformat was not in my 
mplayer source tree."

I'm v. confused because this implies that you need to compile mplayer (or some 
library) yourself, and to know the right config options, BUT others report 
that they've got it working with the default binary release.

Any more suggestions? thanks once again!


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