Transfer files to your Gmail account with Gspace

Wei-Yee Chan chanweiyee at
Mon Apr 16 18:35:16 UTC 2007

"One thing that's made Google's free Gmail online messaging service
popular is its multiple gigabytes of storage space. There are several
tools that let you use the more than 2GB of space as a virtual Internet
drive, the most popular being GmailFS. If you'd prefer to use software
that's independent of your base operating system, try Gspace instead.
It's a Firefox extension that's easy to install and use.

Setting up Gspace doesn't require much effort -- just download the
plugin and it will install itself. To transfer files to your Gmail
account, launch Gspace from within Firefox's Tools menu to view the
extension's gFTP-like interface. The left pane shows the files on your
box, and the right pane shows files that have been transfered onto a
Gmail account."

Click on the link below for the full article:


Wei-Yee Chan

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