Power manager: How do you stop it?

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Mon Apr 16 09:02:51 UTC 2007

The "new" gnome-power-manager in edgy - new in that it runs by default - 
stops my laptop from being able to suspend. I've always used 
klaptopdaemon, and this still works when I remove Power Manager 
manually. However, whenever I kill gnome-power-manager, it reappears 
when I login.

Even more incomprehensibly, there is no access provided to the app's 
prefs from the applet. This is all (arguably) well and good when running 
gnome, when System/Prefs/Power Management is available, but when in KDE 
there is no access to the prefs without running gnome-power-preferences. 
And the prefs don't allow for the app to be neutered. Weird.

Now, Linux is a mulituser system, so having KDE and gnome installed is 
really quite okay, so it really should be much better behaved, imo.

Nevertheless, I would like to stop the thing from running, but I can't 
see what's running it. I've deleted the autostart entry in 
/usr/share/gnome/autostart, but still it returns relentlessly. I would 
remove the package (gnome-power-desktop), but that entails also removing 
gnome-session and ubuntu-dektop, neither of which I want to do.

Any ideas? It's like trying to kill some Windows' services :-o


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