Upgrade to edgy: kdm or gdm doesn't start automatically

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Sun Apr 15 18:50:33 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-04-15 at 19:22 +0100, marc wrote:
> After a bit of effort to complete the upgrade of packages - noted 
> elsewhere - I'm nearly there.

Hey, good to hear!

> However, when I boot via grub to:
>   Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.17.-11-generic [1]

First of all, the current kernel in Feisty is

> things proceed as expected, with the splash screen, but then I'm dumped 
> into the command line (tty1). There's no error message on screen to 
> indicate a problem.

Just to be sure: you did ensure that the metapackages ubuntu-minimal,
ubuntu-standard, and at least one of  ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop,
or xubuntu-desktop ist installed, right?
And the system is up to date,  "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude
dist-upgrade" does nothing, right?

Please paste the output of

who -r (this should show your current runlevel)

And then the output of

ls -l /etc/rc2.d (assuming that your runlevel is 2)

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