Feisty Upgrade

Chris racerx at makeworld.com
Sat Apr 14 02:04:08 UTC 2007

Hiya everyone -

	I managed to pull off 2 upgrades today. The first on my nx9010 and the
other on my Sony desktop to the above mentioned.

	I had zero issues on both cases. Kudos to all involved with the
migration process!

	It was easy, issue-free, and just plain worked from Edgy. Additionally,
all my settings are still there and worked as I had hoped.

	The docs I used are from the URL listed below:

	This is a far cry from other OS's I used. I should have moved over long

racerx at racerx:~$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 7.04 \n \l

root at racerx:~/docs/Ubuntu# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 7.04
Release:        7.04
Codename:       feisty
root at racerx:~/docs/Ubuntu#

root at racerx:~/docs/Ubuntu# uname -a
Linux racerx 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Fri Apr 13 16:33:26 UTC 2007 i686
root at racerx:~/docs/Ubuntu#

Thanks everyone.

Best regards,

Apply only to affected area.

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