Where is my 2G? - MC

ruscook ruscook_oz at yahoo.com.au
Fri Apr 13 17:04:43 UTC 2007

Scott Lockwood wrote:
> On Fri, 2007-04-13 at 13:56 +0930, Brian Astill wrote:
>> There is all the difference in the world between a number of 
>> people trying to help someone in trouble - and succeeding - and a 
>> smart-arse coming after it is all over to say he knew the answer 
>> all along. 
> This, more than anything else, makes me think the Ubuntu code of conduct
> is a terrible idea. No one ever made the people who taught me be nice
> when I rudely wasted their time. The code needs an exception for the
> chronically rude noob who proves clue resistant, and is in bad need of a
> clue bat.
So, because "smart" people  were rude to you when you were learning and 
ignorant it's ok to do that to others and the code of conduct is 
wrong??? Shall we all go back to 19th century behaviour then as well?  
If you don't like the questions, or the code of conduct  don't reply. 
There's no need to be rude.

Until Brian's recent long missive I didn't get what the problem was, let 
alone how your answers "helped" anyone other than spreading scorn 
around.  If someone has NO IT training/background, then they may take a 
while to understand certain concepts as they don't have enough referents 
to put things in context. That isn't stupidity only ignorance.

Kind Regards Russell
Linux user #369094

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