feisty fawn => laptop sudenly dead

Gabriel Dragffy dragffy at yandex.ru
Fri Apr 13 10:05:51 UTC 2007

Alain Muls wrote:
> Hi,
> I switched to FF beta (I know) and worked for a cuple of days quite 
> comfortably. But than, all of a sudden the PC went dead. Pressing the power 
> button did not boot up and I had to use the diagnostic boot feature of the 
> Dell Inspiron. AFter that it worked again, but today the sudden death 
> appeared again. Is there something wrong with the management of the battery 
> in FF? I never had such a behaviour using DD LTS.

How can you be sure it is not a hardware problem?
I'd recommend trying something that *you know* works, like dapper drake.


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