nVidia Quadro4

Dave Woyciesjes woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net
Tue Apr 10 12:48:23 UTC 2007

	I've got a CentOS4.4 box (for work reasons, I'll be adding Ubuntu which 
I like better :) with a nVidia card that CentOS detects as Quadro4 
200/400 NVS NV17GL. Anybody have any luck getting both monitor 
connectors on the pigtail to work together?
	I've only gotten one to work so far in CentOS. Yes, I've tried the 
nvidia binary driver, but can't seem to get that running right. And the 
CentOS mailing list hasn't been that helpful. I figure get it working 
under Ubuntu, and see what the differences are.
	Reply to me directly if you feels it's not relevant for here...

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes

"...Talking to you is like clapping with one hand."
Anthrax, "Caught in a mosh"

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