eye-friendly refresh rate?

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Mon Apr 2 18:27:17 UTC 2007

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> Josef Wolf <jw at raven.inka.de> wrote:
>> When I install ubuntu, I always get 60 Hz refresh rate.  This is very
>> annoying on a non-flat CRT.
> Well, I think it would be equally annoying on flat CRT's ! ;o)
>> In the system config menu, where screen resolution can be changed,
>> there is a menubutton to select different refresh rates.  But this
>> menu contains only one entry (60Hz).
>> Obviously, I'm missing something.  Can somebody give me a hint how
>> to select a higher refresh rate?
> Most likely, it's because when you installed Ubuntu, your monitor was
> not detected properly, and therefore it used fail safe/conservative
> default values, which has the unfortunate side effect only allow for low
> resolutions and low refresh rates.
> I often have this problem with my CRT monitor .
> The cure is simple though: just edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf,
> search for the section "monitor".

You could also try:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

Matt Flaschen

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