Ubuntu on AMD64

Jhair Tocancipa Triana jhair.tocancipa at gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 23:41:35 UTC 2006

Colin Kern writes:

> I've been using Ubuntu on my desktop system for about 5 months now,
> and I love it.  I'm getting a laptop this weekend with an AMD 64-bit
> processor, and I was wondering how, if at all, Ubuntu changes on a
> laptop and a 64-bit architecture.  How is the hardware support?  Are
> the same software packages available through Synaptic/apt-get as with
> a 32-bit system?  Any comments on this would be helpful.

In my case, the only packages not available for 64bit processors are
the java and flash mozilla plugins.

Probably you will need to run a 32bit firefox from a chroot in order
to use those plugins.

Alternatively you can follow the instructions in


Besides of that I haven't had any other issues with amd64 support.



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