Display of Chinese Characters..... strange

shanghaielaine ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Tue Sep 26 14:16:42 UTC 2006

Gabriel Dragffy;1182432 Wrote: 
> Hi, first I'd like to say that I am Bitish but I also use Chinese

> language. I had a fresh install of Kubuntu and was appalled by more
> than

> half of the Chinese characters not displaying correctly (being
> replaced

> by dots), also the anti-aliasing really made them look bad. Only

> changing the locales to zh_CN-UTF8 could let me see all characters.


> I am so happy to report that a fresh install of Ubuntu Dapper doesn't

> have this problem, at least on my en_GB-UTF8 system I can see all

> characters. Nine out of ten of these characters are perfectly
> rendered,

> but the odd ones seem to be ultra-heavily anti-aliased and looks kind
> of

> strange. Not a huge problem but a visual annoyance nonetheless. Are

> there any tips to be had for fixing this issue?


> I'm able to post a screenshot if it helps?


> Thank you,

> gabe


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Hey Gabe,

I have the same Chinese display problem as you had: some chinese
characters are displyed by dots. I know it is a font problem. Unless I
set the chinese fonts such as AR PL as default, the chinese characters
became normal, but the English ones became awful.

Did you meanwhile solve your problem? If so, how?


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