help with frostwire

brendon brendontoogood at
Tue Sep 26 03:13:46 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-09-25 at 23:04 -0400, Justin wrote:
> Do the following in a terminal window
> =========================================
> 1) sudo nano /usr/lib/frostwire/
> 2) then save in nano CTRL+O
> 3) here you can hit ALT+D to change the format. Then hit enter to save
> the file. 
> Note:
> make sure after hitting CTRL+O the filename it doesn't have [DOS
> Format] before it.
> Frostwire should now work.
ok  what am i supposed to be changing in the file  if i am opening it in
nano,  or the likes what am i supposed to be saving it as, or what lines
am i editing???
  Brendon Toogood
  Ubuntu Linux Advocate
  The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number #1741
  Linux Registered User #417189

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