beagle doesn't find anything

Marco Mandl marco.mandl at
Sun Sep 24 16:46:32 UTC 2006


I can't find anything with beagle. The daemon is running but it seams that
it does not index. Why?

$ beagle-index-info
Index information:
Name: EvolutionDataServer
Count: 722
Indexing: True

Name: EvolutionMail
Count: 0
Indexing: False

Name: KMail
Count: 0
Indexing: False

Name: GaimLog
Count: 0
Indexing: False

Name: IndexingService
Count: 0
Indexing: False

Name: Tomboy
Count: 0
Indexing: False

Name: Blam
Count: 0
Indexing: False

Name: Liferea
Count: 0
Indexing: False

Name: Akregator
Count: 0
Indexing: False

Name: KonquerorHistory
Count: 44
Indexing: False

Name: Kopete
Count: 0
Indexing: False

Name: applications
Count: 337
Indexing: False

Name: documentation
Count: 11337
Indexing: False


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