update manager cannot update kernel files (was Re: aptitude x apt-get (was: Re: Dapper - more updates skipped))

John Dangler jdangler at atlantic.net
Thu Sep 21 14:08:18 UTC 2006

All of the text below is off track from my original post.  The problem
is simply that the update app in gnome on Ubuntu Dapper did *NOT* update
the kernel and restricted modules properly on Monday of this week
(9/18/2006).  Under all other scenarios where these particular files are
updated, a message appears on the desktop informing the user that they
need to reboot the system to use the new kernel.  In this case, it did
not happen, and now, subsequent updates inform me that these files will
be skipped.  Is this a bug in the updater? Or is there somnething wrong
with those kernel files such that they couldn't be installed, and are
now stuck in limbo as far as the updater is concerned?

On Wed, 2006-09-20 at 22:58 -0300, Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
>  Em Wednesday 20 September 2006 17:15, John Dangler escreveu:
> > > I would suggest to use aptitude pemanently instead of apt-get. It can be 
> used 
> > > both in a text UI, or in CLI (with a syntax very similar to apt-get).
> > I'm not a fan of aptitude... the interface is a bit too kludgy for me.
> > I'm used to the commandline in Unix/Linux, so apt-get update && apt-get
> > upgrade are fine for me.  The problem I reported came from the desktop
> > update, though.
> As I said, you can do the same things (install, update, upgrade, dist-upgrade, 
> purge, download, clean, etc) just substituting apt-get for aptitude. 
> Aptitude has several enhancements over apt-get, the most important IMHO being 
> an additional flag for packages that are installed automatically as a 
> dependency. This way, when one package marked with this "automatic" flag gets 
> orphaned by its parent dependencies, it is selected for removal 
> automatically.
> I too didn't like aptitude's interface, but I just got used to it, once I 
> discoverd the above facts. It is fairly good to do several routines at once.
> AFAICT apt-get could already be a symlink to aptitude, and I wouldn't 
> notice. :)
> regards
> FF

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