DVD, After the fact

arndalebilo arndalebilo at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 18:26:09 UTC 2006

On Wed, 20 Sep 2006 10:15:01 -0400, Patrick Newberry wrote:

> I'm thinking getting a DVD version of Ubuntu. 
> I've already installed Ubuntu 6.06 LTS with a regular cd but since I
> have a dial up I was thinking I can use the DVD version and  pull some
> apps from there rather than the online repositories using the Add Cdrom
> procedure. 
> Don't have the DVD yet but looks like they are easy enough to buy (I
> only have a cd-rom writer, not a dvd writer)
> Sounds like a plan?

Yep.  Works well.

There was a DVD version of ubuntu on the coverdisk of Linux Magazine issue
69 - August 2006.  It has the development tools and libraries, kernel
versions for machines other than 386 and the kernel source code.  Also the
basic KDE apps like konqueror, Kate, Kmail etc.  

Still no sign of the indispensable MC (midnight commander) but that's
a small download - even on dialup.  

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