How do I correct FSTAB?

Derek Broughton news at
Mon Sep 18 14:11:47 UTC 2006

Ted Quick wrote:

> I just installed Kubuntu Edgy in a partition that had my first (somewhat
> flawed) copy of Kubuntu Dapper in it. I have another (better working) copy
> of Dapper in a different partition.
> Now I can start the new Edgy partition, but have no way to start the
> earlier Dapper partition since it doesn't appear in the new fstab file. I
> tried editing the fstab file in Edgy by copying the Dapper fstab into it.

I think you're looking in the wrong place.  You don't actually have fstab
available at boot time.  So you want to look at your boot loader.  Are you
using lilo or grub?

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