Can I run MS Word XP from Ubuntu Dapper (KDE)

Saurabh Moghe moghe.saurabh at
Mon Sep 18 08:54:14 UTC 2006

When I myself have to write word documents I use openoffice. But I have some documents which require MS Word. The indentation is lost and this makes it tedious to read or edit the docs in Openoffice. I read some where that we can launch MS word in linux using wine. I tried that but it did not work. I personally use Openoffice. The docs that I have are not written by me and moreover it is to big to rewrite it again.

So could you please help me.


----- Original Message ----
From: Felipe Alfaro Solana <felipe.alfaro at>
To: Saurabh Moghe <moghe.saurabh at>; "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 1:32:07 PM
Subject: Re: Can I run MS Word XP from Ubuntu Dapper (KDE)

> Hi,
>  How can we run Microsoft Word XP from Ubuntu Dapper.

May I ask you what is wrong with that
you need to use a privative, expensive, closed-source software like

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