How to reinstall *everything*?

Alexander Skwar listen at
Sun Sep 17 05:59:08 UTC 2006

ยท Scott Kitterman <scott at>:

> On Saturday 16 September 2006 15:49, Alexander Skwar wrote:
>> Would it? I'd need to backup all the configuration files, so
>> that I can use them after a new installation. This doesn't seem
>> to be easier, IMO.
> If in fact your problem is related to the installation of one of your current 
> packages, the problem is most likely in one of the configuration files.  

But why should it?

| I disagree. The configuration hasn't been changed, but all of 
| a sudden the system isn't working fine anymore.

> Re-using the current configuration files would most likely just re-install 
> your problem.

Fine. In this case, I know that my cfg files are borked. Also
very well.

> I haven't been following this thread very closely, so I don't have any good 
> recommendations on what to do, but if you think you need to re-install, take 
> care not to re-install your problem with the old configs.

No, I would take care to re-install *WITH* the old configs, so that I 
change just *one* thing at a time, ie. the binaries. And if I find out,
that this wasn't good enough, I could easily do another re-install and
then slowly, one file at a time (more or less) re-use the old config,
so that I then find out, where and when the system breaks.

Alexander Skwar
Wedding, n:
        A ceremony at which two persons undertake to become one, one undertakes
        to become nothing and nothing undertakes to become supportable.
                -- Ambrose Bierce

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