edgy: firefox/epiphany ssl issues

Scott geekboy at angrykeyboarder.com
Fri Sep 15 13:01:52 UTC 2006

Justin Kelly wrote:
> Hi All,
> ive just added the edgy repo to my dapper install and upgraded most of
> the gnome desktop related packages (mainly in order to get evolution
> 2.8)
> all went well till i tried to use the edgy verions of firefox and epiphany
> if i browse to any site thats got an ssl certificate i get the below
> message and cant use that webpage
> ##### gmail exmaple ######
> "www.google.com" requires an encrypted connection.
> The document could not be loaded because encryption support is not installed.
> #####################
> ive installed all the ssl/encryption packages that i think are related
> but to no avail.
> note: konqueror and opera(from the dapper repo) work fine

I had the same problem.  But my thought was that it was somehow related 
to an install of the Mozilla Browser earlier today.  I only did that 
because some other package (I don't recall which one now) depended on it.

Anyway, I know mozilla needs the "mozilla-psm" package in order to 
access SSL sites (I've always wondered why Firefox alone didn't).

Anyway, my guess is that the Mozilla Browser and Firefox share a gecko 
library in Ubuntu therefore the sudden added dependency of the 
mozilla-psm package.

Or it could be some other freakish thing that I haven't a clue about.

What I did notice was that that after installing the package nothing 
changed.  Firefox still acted the same way.

However when I exited out of XFCE later on and went into KDE Firefox 
started working.

I guess one has to log out first.

Anyhow this is all just speculation. I really have no clue.

But just for the heck of it, try this.

	sudo apt-get install mozilla-psm

Then log out of X and log back in and see if that helps.

If it doesn't then I guess I just got lucky and it started working all 
by itself.  ;-)

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