NTFS Create/Write denied

Alexander Skwar listen at alexander.skwar.name
Sun Sep 10 20:21:10 UTC 2006

· Gayal <gayal.rupasinghe at gmail.com>:

> I cant write or create files/folders in my NTFS Win Partitions from Ubuntu.
> why?

Probably, because the filesystem is mounted read only. That's
so, as the in kernel NTFS driver doesn't (properly) support
writing to NTFS.

You might want to have a look for ntfs-3g, which supports 
proper writing to NTFS and even better than the, by all
practical means, by now obsolete captive.

> I am running as the root.

Doesn't matter.

Alexander Skwar
Je mehr es abwärts geht, je reicher wird das Leben.
                -- Friedrich Rückert (Die Weisheit des Brahmanen)

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