Problem installing Mozilla Totem plugin with EasyUbuntu

Liam Proven lproven at
Sun Sep 10 15:18:10 UTC 2006

On 9/10/06, Gabriel M Dragffy <dragffy at> wrote:

> Hi Liam,
> I have this exact problem too! I gave up on easyubuntu because of this,
> and I'm glad I did. I also found that when it does this odd behaviour it
> somehow breaks mplayer, in that when you fire up mplayer you can't
> switch to full screen.
> I installed the codecs etc by following the wiki Restricted Formats
> entry, and I'm glad I did, now Totem (using totem-xine) works an
> absolute treat and can play ALL videos including .rmvb, also the preview
> icons now work for all videos which I'm very chuffed about. I also got
> sound previews in nautilus working too which were previously
> non-functional.
> I didn't find anyway to reverse the mess that the failed easyubuntu
> left, but a reinstall makes everything OK.

Thanks for that! I shall try that next time.

Meanwhile, I had a brainwave and tried Automatix:

This somehow manages to install MPlayer & its various plugins without
removing Xine, which is what Synaptic wanted to do. And as the
ubuntu-desktop metapackage depends on Xine, that would remove all of
GNOME etc.!

Anyway, now I have mplayer's Mozilla plugin instead and can view
movies on the Apple Movie Trailers website no problem.

I prefer Easyubuntu to Automatix, normally. EU is tiny and efficient
and quick whereas A'x is huge and requires you to enter your password
multiple times (so it cannot run unattended) and takes about 2h for a
complete install.

However, it seems to have saved my bacon this time... :¬)

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