cannot access updates

Eamonn Sullivan eamonn.sullivan at
Thu Sep 7 11:40:21 UTC 2006

On 9/7/06, jonathan <jonathan at> wrote:
> sorry am new to linux what do u mean point to.would just adding that
> numerber do it

Apologies in advance if I get a step wrong here. I'm not in front of
my Ubuntu computer.

1. Open a terminal
2. type "sudo gedit /etc/hosts"
3. type your password
4. In hosts, there will be a line probably starting with localhost and
then the next column will say Copy this line and past it at
the end, as a new entry.
5. On this new entry, change localhost to
(which is your host name, the one gksudo can't find).
6. safe the file.
7. Try opening ubuntu-updates or the disk utility again.

(Please someone jump in here and correct if I have some step wrong.)

This will just be a very quick fix. It looks like you have a deeper
problem, probably in /etc/resolv.conf, that I can't begin to fix while
sitting at a Windows computer. But this should at least allow you to
open the administrative tools.


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