ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 25, Issue 31

Alain Muls alain.muls at telenet.be
Sun Sep 3 19:56:07 UTC 2006

On Sunday 03 September 2006 15:32, ubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com 
> > I've tried starting Katapult a few times. All it ever does is give me a
> > logo for a while, but never anything else. HOW do I get to use it?
> I've tried for the first time yesterday. It works like Quicksilver on
> the Mac. You just type the keyboard shortcut (alt-space) and then
> start typing the name of the application you want to run. Usually,
> you'll only need to type the first few letters ('fi' is enough on my
> system to display firefox), then hit enter to launch the app.

I also tried the katapult thing, but I do not understand the program. I type 
ALT+SPACE and see the katapult window. I type emacs or firefox and nothing 
happens. I try configure and nothing to configure. How is this used????



Alain Muls                                               Tel +32.2.7426340
Royal Military Academy                          Fax +32.2.7426472
Dep CISS-ASGE                                 alain.muls at telenet.be

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