ubuntu and kubuntu

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Sat Sep 2 13:48:06 UTC 2006

Eamonn Sullivan said...
> On 9/2/06, Cheatah 0#@!^ <cheataah at gmail.com> wrote:
> > what is the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu?? or kde and gnome??
> Gnome and KDE are different environments for controlling the look of
> the desktop, windows and menus...

... and the users' interactions with their applications.

The fact is that both can be made to 'look' like the other - at least, 

> There are many fans of both Gnome and KDE and the debate over which is
> better has started many senseless wars.

Tautology ;-)

> My own experience is that people who like the Mac interface (clean,
> uncluttered, gets out of your way) or started their computing
> experience on older Unix systems *tend* to like Gnome a bit better,
> while people from the Windows world or who like

... their interface "dirty"! What does "clean" mean in the sense of an 
interface? Is this a word losing it's meaning, like "solution" and 
"experience"? Or losing ("loosing(sic)") even?

> to tweak every aspect
> of their system (so that they can launch a dozen applications, pay
> their bills and wash the dishes with one keystroke) *tend* to like
> KDE. Try both and make up your own mind.

Nah, nah, nah. It's not about 'liking' to tweak the system, it's about 
being able to do what you want to do when you want to do it.

Gnome, for example, makes assigning keyboard shortcuts to apps 
unnecessarily complex - and certainly a new user wouldn't be able to 
work it out. This is a 101 feature for many users.

Another 'out of the box' feature I like in KDE is being able to launch 
apps in the same location and with the windows sized to my preferences. 
I don't consider this tweaking any more than I would consider using the 
brakes or steering wheel on my car 'tweaking'.

I would say that KDE supports user interaction with their apps a lot 
better than Gnome.

Now, as it happens, I use both Gnome and KDE. My Gnome desktop I have 
tweaked far more than KDE - I've gone for the OSX clone look - whereas 
in KDE I adjust my apps' interactions as I go. The default Gnome look is 
far too dirty :-)

I tend to use Gnome when writing - books and articles and stuff - and 
doing the basic Internet things. But for research and coding - where I'm 
chopping and changing, loading and unloading, I prefer KDE.

I do wish that Gnome/Metacity had some of the basic usability features 
of KDE - and yes, Windows - because they are useful, effective and 
efficient. On the other hand, it's worrying to see Metacity reinvent the 
Windows' Registry with the gconf editor <ducks and runs>

compiz is great addition to Gnome. Can't wait for it to mature - on both 
Gnome and KDE.

> Most applications run on either, so you aren't making a choice between
> different sets of applications, although a KDE application will look a
> bit out of place on Gnome (and vice versa).

This isn't really the case. You can assign Gnome styles to Gnome apps in 
KDE, and KDE fonts too. The Ubuntu Human style looks good and works well 
under KDE.


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