mbox question

David Hart ubuntu at tonix.org
Tue Oct 31 09:02:59 UTC 2006

On Mon, Oct 30, 2006 at 11:23:46AM -0700, wade at wadesmart.com wrote:
> Im looking at my evolution folder. I see the different folders I created
> with my various emails in them.
> The inbox file is the largest of them all. Is every single email that I
> have received stored in that Inbox file and then messages in the
> folders are just linked there?

I don't have Evolution available to check at the moment but AFAIR
evolution only _marks_ mails as deleted when you delete or move a
message from a folder.  To physically remove the messages from the
mbox folder there is an option somewhere in the menus to purge the
deleted messages.

David Hart <ubuntu at tonix.org>

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