usplash resolution 'out of range' after edgy upgrade

Michael R. Head burner at
Mon Oct 30 21:42:51 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-10-27 at 17:12 +0100, Sean Hammond wrote:
> So I had an edgy upgrade that went bad. I think I somehow ended up
> with a half-done upgrade, because a package that was to be upgraded
> called libdirectfb-dev was clashing with another package panda3d. It
> looked like libdirectfb-dev wanted to replace some file but couldn't,
> because panda3d was depending on the file, and so libdirectfb-dev
> could not be upgraded and a bunch of other stuff following that
> couldn't be upgraded either. So when I thought the upgrade had
> finished and restarted the machine, x failed to start.
> I was able to use the command line to uninstall panda3d and complete
> the upgrade, and get x working again. But... at startup and shutdown,
> when I should see the new usplash, all I'm getting is a message from
> my monitor saying 'signal out of range'. The monitor is an HP1740.
> Which config file do I have to change to fix this?

I got this, too. You should be able to fix it by
editing /etc/usplash.conf
make it look like:
# Usplash configuration file

and do 
sudo dpkg-reconfigure usplash

The bug report is here:

Michael R. Head <burner at>

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