About X on server

Stephen Liu satimis at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 30 16:12:41 UTC 2006

Hi Ulrich,

Tks for your advice.

- snip -

> well, then you're right in the middle of 'knowing how' :-)
> in most cases you don't want X on a server, so setting up ssh is
> essential for that matter. if you insist on having a gui on the
> server,
> install (k|x)ubuntu-desktop. whatever you prefer...
> but i would advise against, cause on a production system, you most
> likey
> will have no X.

I haven't decided whether at the beginning installing xorg+xface, then
firebox but without X started at boot.  After configuration finished
remove them.  OR have the server connected to a workstation making use
the latter to configure the former.

I did this connection in the past ONLY for broadband sharing as well as
files sharing but never experienced using a workstation to
install/configure a server.  It will be an interesting trial.

Tks again.


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