Dapper to Edy upgrade successful

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Mon Oct 30 09:46:27 UTC 2006

Am Sonntag, den 29.10.2006, 22:41 -0700 schrieb Art Edwards:

> > 
> Doesn't the upgrade manager simply call apt-get or aptitude, which in
> turn call dpkg as part of their function?
> I have read on the ubuntu forum that aptitude is recommended over
> apt-get because it is better with dependency issues. dselect is also
> better. Finally, dpkg can get you out of jams when a package wants to
> overwrite files owned bye another package.
update-manager does a lot more than just running apt-get, it has a lot
more intelligence built in that makes sure your upgrade will succeed.

aptitude isnt used by anyone in the diatro team, while its true that
debian focuses on aptitude as package manager, ubuntu doesnt ...

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