microsoft visual studio and JCreator

smithveg smithveg at
Sat Oct 28 19:27:41 UTC 2006

> I would not even attempt it. Visual Studio is tailored specifically
> towards the MS environment. While MS Office can run under wine, VS is
> far too tied to the Microsoft paradigm.
> If you are looking to develop applications there are several
> alternatives, many of which are OS independent.
> My own favourite, having used C++, Visual Basic and Visual FoxPro
> amongst others, is Python. There is even a Java tie-in called, I
> believe, Jython.
> For some years I clung to Microsoft's skirts but I have found there are
> many equal and superior alternatives. Ditch the MS mindset. Discover
> freedom.
> John

You means i can have an alternative tools to write an application programs.
Can i have some suggestion tools or software. I want to write a,, java  programs.

I think JCreator that i use, may be possible to install in ubuntu. Just a

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