Root user permission

Andy stude.list at
Fri Oct 27 20:09:14 UTC 2006

Hi, again (assuming you read my reply to your other question before
this one, otherwise hi for the first time)

On 27/10/06, Cheatah 0#@!^ <cheataah at> wrote:
> Inspite of me being the root user of my kubuntu 6.06, i dont have the
> permission to access or change all the files in my kubuntu,
Are you *sure* your root?
(K|X|Ed)ubunt normally won't allow you to log in as root, (it can be
"persuaded" to do so but its not a wise move)
Did you actually login with username: root
Or did you just use the first user you created.
If its the first user you created this use has the power to acquire
root privileges but only if you explicitly ask it to. This is because
executing some things as root is dangerous, you can destroy your

I would strongly recommend you not login as root.

> How can i change this so that i have the permission to access or
> change each and every file in my system??
When executing a command from the shell prefix it with 'sudo', as long
as its not a graphical program, and don't use & for the command.
sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst

nano will be started with root privileges.

for more information on sudo read:

If you want to start a graphical program as root use:
(I think thats the command, I am a Gnome user ;))

Hope that helps
- Andy

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