
Patrick Newberry PNewberry at habitat.org
Fri Oct 27 13:06:06 UTC 2006

Yes, just for testing and learning on a local machine. Like I said, I
put in apache and mysql, but I had xamp on a windows machine and liked
the control panel that xampp had. So my concern was do I need to
uninstall apache and mysql before I put in xampp or will it's install
just over ride my install?

	-----Original Message-----
	From: ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
[mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of smithveg
	Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 10:35 PM
	To: Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions
	Subject: Re: xampp
	xampp, are you using for knowledtree?
	On 10/26/06, Patrick Newberry <PNewberry at habitat.org> wrote: 

		I've got quite a bit of this installed via apt-get, but
was curious:
		Has anyone used the xampp install on ubuntu, 
		Also, I wonder if there is a problem if I already have
things like
		apache or mysql already installed?
		ubuntu-users mailing list 
		ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com


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